Inside Knowledge

 Why do I have...


  ...A heart?

Your body's engine that pump blood to every cell in your body.

...a blood?


A mix of special cells and a liquid "plasma " blood delivers all the good stuff (oxygen,vitamins ,minerals and chemicals called harmonies) to the cells in your body and removes all the bad stuff(carbon dioxide and other waste)for disposal.Red blood cell transport oxygen while white blood cell fight infection.special cells called platelets seal the leak when blood vessel break- a process called clotting.A oxygen carrying protein called haemoglobin is what gives its red color.

...a lungs?

Each breath you inhale fills this balloon like structure with oxygen ,which is absorbed into your blood; each exhalation removes carbon dioxide and waste material from your body.

...a skin?

Skin holds your inside in and protects your outside skin from ultraviolet radiation.Skin is yours body's largest organ.It is made up of layers of cells and outermost layer is entirely dead.

...a stomach?

This expandable organ stores everything you eat and starts breaking down food with powerful acids.

... intestine?

The bulk of food digestion takes place in your small and large intestine,two tube that absorbs all the vitamins ,minerals and other nutrients that you eat.


Your bodies biggest internal organ ,the liver is like a complex chemical processing plant.It makes bile an essential substance for digestion.


The bean shaped organ are too essential for good health that your body comes with second one free! Each kidney is cramped with millions of nephron's that skim the waste elements and other grunk your blood.

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