All about cats?

 Cat groom themselves throughout the day- 

Using their sand papery tongues to comb food and dirt from their fur,they gobble down gobs of  loose hair with all that gunk. Feline bellies are not equipped to digest strand of fur. The hair comes out the same way it went in. You discover a soggy fuzz hair balls all over the house.

Why cat put icky treasure on my doorstep?

Because your kitty thinks your stalking skills could work some. Mama cat brings minced mice and bird to their kittens to teach them hunting skills. Trying to stop your cats from hunting and sharing is like stopping your brother from stinking up the the bathroom. It's battle against-nature.

Why do cat's purr?

Although lions,tigers,leopard can roar only cats can purr. Researchers think it start as a way for mommas to reassure kittens that they're safe. Once cat grow up purring evolves to convey contentment.Some researches show that cat's purring sound helps to make strong bone.

Do cats really have nine lives?

Of course not,but they seem they sure do. Cats possess grace and sense of balance that borders on the supernatural. Their most stupendous superpower is the "righting reflex" the ability to.spin the midair and lands on paws no matter what in which they fall. Cats that take a tumble from great heights also spread their legs and bodies to slow the descent. This natural parachute combined with their righting reflex has helped many kittens survive accidental fall from skycrappers.

All about animals...

Which real jobs are for trained animals ?

Elephant artist: Paints with its trunk.

Carrier pigeon: Carries messages.
Therapy dog :cheers up.sick,injured or elderly people
Seeing eye dog:helps the blind

Money waiter: serves supper at Japanese tavern.

Draft dog : pulls carts and sleds 

Waterskiing squirrel: self explanatory

Herding dog : protects and 
Directs sheep and cattle.

Delicacy digging pig: digs up truffles a gourmet food.

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